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Poster Presentations

Kim Janovski

Signal validation and spatial extrapolation of fatigue damage, based on blade load measurements

Emmet McLaughlin

Phase-field modelling for fatigue curve predictions

Kai Yin-Lee

Multiphysics Analysis of Air Gap Behavior in a 15MW Semi-Sub Direct Drive Generator: Electromagnetic and Structural Coupling with Nacelle Loading Insights

Ryan Chia Wen Long

Exploring Partial Drainage Effects on Monopile Cyclic Response in Porous Elastic Soil: A Numerical Study

Jayne Han

Numerical Modelling of Monopile Segments Under Lateral Loading

Ali Ata Adam

Towards Understanding Wind Turbine Wake Meandering: Impact of Well-defined Perturbations

Dylan  Green​

Development and Validation of an Actuator Line Method for Floating Turbines

Samuel Hughes

Corrected Equivalent Stiffness Numerical Methods and Low Order Blade Structural Modelling

Tan Yoke Tan

Data Driven Wind Turbine Component Failure Prediction

Mirhamed Pourmirasghariyan

A non-invasive non-recursive impedance estimation strategy for small signal stability analysis:an approach for wind farms

Federico Della Santa

Fatigue in Offshore Wind Foundations: Comparison of S-N curves from various standards, new regression analyses, and parameters influencing the size effect in welds

Callum Isbister

Providing system level frequency support from wind across the full operating range

Fraser O'Neill

The Interaction of Fatigue-Corrosion-Erosion on Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Steels

Onur Deniz

Investigating Sample Scale Effects in CNS Tests for Axial Design of Drilled and Grouted Pile Anchors in Rock

Touhidul Islam â€‹

Mooring load investigation on a light-weight semi-submersible FOWT platform

Max Bowman

Expedited design methods for monopile foundations

Magne Rasmussen

Medium scale field testing of monopiles subjected to cyclic loading in sand'

Emils Brazovskis

Sensitivity Analysis of Tidal Stream Resource Using Multi-Scale Channel Network Models

Nur Ain Wahidah

Wind Turbine Blade Leading Edge Erosion Protection

Mahmoud Issa

Evaluation of Acoustic Noise Emitted by Power Electronic Equipment in a Variable-Speed Wind Turbine

Ross Clark

AI in the Skies – Advancing Wind Turbine Integrity through Automated Drone Inspections

Doudou Huang

On the flow around 3D porous disks at incidence

John Harris

Stress relief grooves - improving the fatigue life of welded tubular connections.

Robert Lochead​

Damage Location and Growth Detection in Composite Material by Using Acoustic Emission Sensors in 3D Environment

Piotr Fojcik

Wind turbine wake detection and characterisation utilising blade loads and SCADA data: a generalised approach”

Grace Callaghan

Atmospheric stability investigations for wind power

Bogosi Msutwana​

Effects of Sheared Flow on Tidal Turbine Performance

Hawa Sidat

Hybrid Structural-Energy Systems: Structural Dielectric Capacitors

Muhammad Mutthanna​

Evaluation of Acoustic Noise Emitted by Power Electronic Equipment in a Variable-Speed Wind Turbine

Marjan Noroozi

Reliability enhancement of offshore wind turbine direct-drive generators through addressing system-wide dynamic couplings

Aidan Napier​

Identification and Quantification of Lifetime extension opportunities in offshore wind project development

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